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Pest Inspections
We live in Arizona and so does dangerous venomous insects like Scorpions and Black Widow spiders. As well as Brown Recluse spiders, Centipedes, Wolf spiders, Mosquitos, Africanized Bees, etc……..
Then there is Bed Bugs, cockroaches, ticks, fleas….. Termite inspections performed  for real transactions do not automatically include the above insects. Make sure to clarify if you are wanting to check for all insects during your inspection period.
Inspection Period
When purchasing a flat rate home sales, understanding its current condition is vital to your enjoyment of your property. We always encourage a flat rate home inspection during the due diligence sales period. As well as home warranties to provide an extra added value and cost savings. If any repairs come up during your home ownership.
Seller Disclosures and a state guided Buyer Advisory is provided to you, the buyer, during the escrow process. This is a tremendous value in understanding all of your resources in the state of Arizona. We pride ourselves in education, accessibility, and the highest level of communication with our team during your transaction.

Do’s and Don’t During Real Estate Deal
Flat Fee Broker Expert in Phoenix Real Estate

Do make all regular monthly bill payments on time.
Get all documents requested to lender quickly.
Do have all deposits evidenced by a reliable source. Ex: paystub, bill of sales receipt…
Do keep current employment status.
Prepare for inspection fees, or HOA transfer fees.
Do shop for good rates and coverage on home owners insurance. Ex. Plumbing, roofing riders
Don’t make new purchases on credit even delayed payment agreements.
Don’t apply for new credit ex. Credit cards, vehicles loans, furniture stores.
Don’t default on IRS or Collection payment arrangements.
Your saving for escrow reserves should not be spend on your down payment or closing costs .
Don’t get married during escrow without making necessary changes to your loan.
Don’t forget to change utilities into or out of your name at Close of escrow.